
齋藤 貴之
- 安全を狭義の「事故防止」に限定せず、組織全体のパフォーマンス向上として教育する視点と手法。
- 教育項目に、従来の医療安全項目に加え、人間工学、システム思考、チーム医療に必要なノンテクニカルスキル、質改善手法などを含めて教育すること。
- 既存カリキュラムに安全教育を組み込むこと(例:基礎実習の中でノンテクニカルスキルを、外科実習の中で安全課題を教育するなど)。
- 可能な限り、多職種連携教育アプローチを取り入れること。
To incorporate quality patient safety education

Takayuki Saito
The importance of “patient safety” is not limited to the “medical field,” but also covers a wide range of areas, including health, nursing care, welfare, and education. Patient safety and workplace safety are built by all frontline personnel, not just safety professionals. In recent years, the concept of “patient safety” has broadened to include not only accident prevention, but also the improvement of quality and success rates through efficient, effective, and flexible execution of daily operations. In addition, “patient safety” is built not only through theory, but also through practical skills and organization-wide culture.
In order to provide quality and safe healthcare, all healthcare providers need to develop basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes about patient safety. As shown in the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum Guide, basic patient safety education includes not only an understanding of patients safety systems and incident reporting, but also ergonomics, systems thinking, non-technical skills necessary for team work, and quality improvement methods. These qualities and abilities can be applied to improve the performance of the entire organization.
Although it has been more than a decade since the WHO published its Patient Safety Curriculum Guide, patient safety education has not yet been fully implemented internationally. The WHO Patient Safety Action Plan points to the following reasons for inadequate patient safety education: 1) faculties are not familiar with patient safety education, 2) existing curricula are overcrowded and reluctant to incorporate patient safety education, and 3) education is inadequate to keep pace with rapid developments in medical technology and healthcare systems.
In 2023, Gunma University was certified as a joint usage center for human resource development of multiprofessionals based on patient safety education methods. We provide faculty development (FD) of patient safety education methods to faculty involved in multi-professional human resource based on “international standard patient safety education methods such as WHO guidelines.
The patient safety education methods we advocate are as follows
- Perspectives and methods that do not limit safety to “accident prevention” in the narrow sense, but educate as performance improvement for the entire organization.
- Patient safety education should include ergonomics, systems thinking, non-technical skills necessary for teamwork, quality improvement methods, etc., in addition to conventional patient safety items
- Incorporating safety education into existing curricula (e.g., teaching non-technical skills during basic training and safety issues during surgical training)
- Incorporate interprofessional educational approach whenever possible.
Currently, patient safety education is often conducted separately in each specialty area, such as medicine and nurse, and there is a lack of collaboration among professions. This center will serve as a hub to enable collaboration among multiprofessionals.